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Please enter the first part of your postcode (i.e. WS12 or WS3)
Please tell us the date when you contacted 111
Are you a?
  • Patient
  • Family member/Carer
  • Friend/Neighbour
  • Health/Social Care professional
  • Other
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the NHS 111 service?
  • Very satisfied
  • Fairly satisfied
  • Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
  • Fairly dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
If the NHS 111 service had not been available, would you have contacted another service about your/the patient's health problem?
  • My GP Practice
  • Urgent Treatment Centre
  • 999 Ambulance Service
  • Hospital Emergency Department (A&E)
  • Pharmacist or Chemist
  • No, I would not have contacted another service
  • This question is not relevant as I did not call NHS 111 directly
  • Other